Saturday, 4 September 2010

9 hours in Colombia airport

So here we are, in the luxury that is Cafe Barra Internacional where we have no idea what any of the food is or in fact, what anybody is saying. We have come to the disappointing realisation that our Spanish is not quite what we thought it was!
So having asked for 'eso' and 'grunt+point', we ended up with some questionable cheese filled pastries. Not even ketchup could improve the sitch.
We've been here for 57 minutes, only 8 hours 3 minutes to go. Annie is already restless. Surprise, I thought she was so patient.
Yesterday we went upstate to escape 'Earl', turns out he didn't really do much but create a few waves in long island. Annie wanted me to write that there were gale force winds, fallen trees, houses flying around EVERYWHERE, but this is just not true.
We visited Woodstock, major hippie land, and PERUsed (see what i did there) the nice little shops.

Woodstock hippie shop!

Nothing can explain why these were here. But they were.
Later on we met Jon, one of Becca's friends who had come back for the weekend which was nice. This is Jon:

So thus concludes another post, we're loving all your comments! The next post will be from Peru!


  1. Stay awake!
    Stay alert!
    Suitcases still kind of travelling with you?
    GET A SIM CARD xxx

  2. Glad Earl was a bit of a wimp and that flights took off as usual. 9 hours in an airport??? I have managed 3 !! and that was AWFUL!! Good book needed!!!n English of course!!!!Travel well.

  3. Need to see a post-Columbia blog....need to see a post-Columbia blog....send me a SIGN

  4. Most important question is how many games of i-spy did you get through and who won?

    Ha, questionable pastry. Travel all that way and from your blog entry sounds like you could have been in Gregs. (Not bitter at all)

    In case you can't open that I will explain that it was the stay alive hedgehogs.
